ad 🌿 Have you ever had athlete's foot? It's an itchy & painful fungal infection that usually begins between the toes. It usually occurs in people whose feet get sweaty and wear tight fitting shoes. Women are actually 40% of the population that suffer with it. @Kerasal has some wonderful new products available that are complete solutions for women suffering with Athlete’s Foot and all it's symptoms. My three favorite go to products are their 5-in-1 Athlete’s Foot Invisible Powder Spray, 5-in-1 Athlete’s Foot Silky Gel and their Athlete’s Foot Medicated Soak.
🌿 The Medicated Soak is very easy to use. I simply mix a packet in a large bowl of warm water, relax and soak my feet for about 15 minutes. It instantly gets rid of any symptoms like that painful burning and itching. I like how it contains trusted ingredients I know and trust.
🌿 The invisible powder spray is also easy to use and I love how it's clear, doesn't make a mess and leaves no residual powder anywhere. It's a powerful solution that relieves and prevents most athlete's foot. It quickly relieves all burning and itchiness! I use it daily to prevent athlete's foot from coming back. I also like to use it to condition my skin with its essential oils, aloe, ceramides, and vitamin e.
🌿 The Kerasal Athlete’s Foot Silky Gel has a touch free applicator and feels so soothing and nourishing when I apply it. Another plus is how it's clear and leaves absolutely no mess or residue. I use this gel to instantly get rid of all those annoying and painful symptoms including itching, scaling and burning. I use it every day to nourish my skin and preventative maintenance from any kind of recurring symptoms. Best of all it contains some of my favorite skin loving ingredients including essential oils, vitamin e, ceramides and aloe.
🌿 You can find all 3 of these new Athlete's foot products on Amazon.