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  • Writer's pictureNurse Shannan

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 We've been using this @coldfixnow homeopathic cold and flu-fighting remedy.

Updated: Mar 9, 2021

#ad 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 🧒 I've been using this @coldfixnow homeopathic cold and flu-fighting remedy for the past year now. We simply start taking it at the first sign of cold or #flu like symptoms or during flu season as a preventative measure even if we don't have any signs or symptoms. I typically take just one a day for about a month during flu season and more often if I have signs and symptoms already. #ColdFix is such an effective remedy because it's made from diluted antibodies that help promote the body’s natural production of immune cells. These tablets are easy to take and simply dissolve in your mouth as a quick and easy immune-booster. We also love how Cold-Fix helps strengthen our #immunesystems. There are two different types available: Cold-Fix (for adults) and Cold-Fix for Children ‍‍👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🧒  To learn more and get 25% off use my code: NurseShannanCF2021 ➡️










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