This nurse planner from @mynurseisme_ has everything I need to stay organized! I love how it's designed to encourage a stronger focus on #selfcare while promoting a consistent sense of balance in everyday life holistically. What a perfect way to focus on short and long terms goals while maintaining balance. 👩⚕️No wonder it has so many awesome 5 star reviews! There are tons of features throughout this 2022 nurse self-care planner including:
Sturdy Metal Spiral Bound Coil
Hard Cover
300 Pages
Annual View (2022 at a Glance)
Monthly Calendar Views
Weekly Views
Monthly Sheets Including Budgeting and a Focus on Mental Health
Weekly Sheets including a Focus on Events, Appointments, Grocery Lists, etc.
Bonus Section
Notes Section
Sticker Section (over 100 stickers)
Complementary Bookmark
I think it's the perfect gift for #nursingstudents, any #healthcareprofessional, or anyone trying to be their own nurse (#selfcare)! It's currently on sale for $31 and ships in 1-2 days! To learn more and see more details visit @mynurseisme_ or https://www.mynurseisme.com
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