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  • Writer's pictureNurse Shannan

This Bulgarian trimona yogurt tastes so fresh and delicious! 🌈

  • This Bulgarian @trimonayogurt tastes so fresh and #delicious! 🌈 ad. It's rich in vitamins, minerals, good fats and protein. No wonder bulgarian yogurt has been a traditional bulgarian food associated with #goodhealth for thousands of years. Traditional Bulgarian #yogurt like this has always been made from carefully selected live bacterial cultures on dairy farms in mountainous regions of the country. This #trimonafoods yogurt is organic, grass-fed, whole milk yogurt made from happy, unstressed cows in their natural habitat. 🌿 There are no chemicals, preservatives, artificial hormones, antibiotics, starch, gluten, thickeners or GMO’s. I found this #bulgarian yogurt at gelsons market. To find a store that carries this delicious bulgarian yogurt near you visit ➡️



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