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Writer's pictureNurse Shannan

💦 Showering with soft water has tons of benefits besides making my skin and hair soft and hydrated

💦 Showering with soft water has tons of benefits besides making my skin and hair soft and hydrated! This shower head filter set from @aquahomegroup actually acts as a moisturizer, purifier, softens and provides the best shower experience ever! It's a 15 stage shower #waterfilter + luxury vitamin C filter that combines all the benefits of two filters at once. There are 15 stages of purification from chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, calcium and magnesium, as well as additional purification from chlorine. It removes so many different contaminants plus enriches our water with vitamins! This #shower filtration set is the perfect solution for healthy skin and reduces eczema, #dryskin, acne and dandruff. It was super easy to install in under 5 minutes too! Learn more about how easy it is to purify your hard shower water from chlorine and other contaminants plus get 10% off with my code: nurseshannan


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