💻 Our Internet is unreliable at times and even goes completely out occasionally. We rely heavily on our connection for homeschooling, working remotely and so much more!! I'm so grateful we don't have to ever worry about being without a connection again now that I have this fast and reliable GlocalMe U3 global wifi hotspot gifted from @glocalmemoments.
I also love how I can easily take it anywhere and connect securely while traveling outdoors, airports, beaches, cafes, cars etc. It's such a wonderful way to remain connected with #friendsandfamily, school and work no matter where I am and what the circumstances are. Also perfect for live streaming and broadcasting, sharing the internet with friends, streaming videos, music, and gaming all from multiple locations.
The U3 is powered by the #GlocalMe patented cloud SIM technology so that means No SIM card is required and I can simply pay for data plans on the GlocalMe app with on demand mobile data. You can even rent a U3 if you're going on shorter trips or as a trial experience to test it out before you buy one. 🌎 If you never want to be without a connection again check out the #U3!