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  • Writer's pictureNurse Shannan

new FREE tutoring program with Janine the Tutor and live streaming! 📚

📚 Online learning and work from home jobs are some of the things I've been doing to help keep busy during this #quarantine life. Although all the schools are closed due to covid-19 #oneclass is still there to support students who want to continue to learn. It's a place where you can get paid to help others with #homework, do your own homework, share college class notes, and lots more. They also have a new #FREE tutoring program with Janine the #Tutor and live streaming! Some of the #tutors are now teaching LIVE, for #highschool, #college, and university #math and #chemistry, 7 days a week!.📚 To learn more and see some of the free live streaming or schedule a free consultation with Janine the Tutor visit ➡



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