🗝️ ⬛ I've always wanted a safe and this heavy duty safe gifted from @rpnbsafe is exactly what I was looking for. It's California DOJ Certified and has 3 methods for quick entry including key lock, biometric fingerprint & 4 digit keypad. It looks and feels to be well made and has a shock proof carrying handle design. Totally made to last and has a corrosion resistant design with a sleek looking black finish and made with strong steel construction. I think It's the perfect design for all sorts of different valuables like cash, jewelry, guns, documents and anything else you need to keep protected.
If you have young children who don’t understand the potential danger of firearms, it’s essential that you keep them safely stored. 🏠 Placing them in this #pistolsafe is a responsible way to properly secure your small firearms at home or on the go. Check out @rpnbsafe website to learn more. 🗝️⬛ #RPNB currently has a variety of all sorts of different and affordable safe designs available. Get 10% off with my code: shannan ➡️ https://rpnbsafe.us