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  • Writer's pictureNurse Shannan

👩‍💻 I took this Increase Your Potential course last week and learned so much about myself!

👩‍💻 I took this Increase Your Potential course last week and learned so much about myself! I created lots of new self improvement goals and have been working on them daily! It's a work at your own pace program and way different than other online self help classes or self-help books I've read in the past. I love how it just focuses on the needed stuff and all the irrelevant information is kept to a minimum. My favorite thing about it was how I got to be involved and participate so the info really sank in. It's a lifetime program so although I completed the course and got my certificate I can still log in anytime and come back with full access to the program.

👩‍💻 The class includes 7 lessons. The first four lessons focus on Emotions, Self Image, Self-Esteem vs. Self-Efficacy and Motivation. These lessons explain how they apply to your personal experiences. The last three lessons focus on

Empowerment, Self-Regulation and Goals & Objectives. These lessons teach you how all of these areas tie together. After completing all the steps in the entire program I was able to create some very important and attainable short-term and long-term goals that are going to make a huge difference in my life.

👩‍💻 To learn more about yourself and how to create some real self improvement goals visit




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