🧡 I love everything about my new custom Planner from bellagraceplanners. Bella Grace Planners are made in the USA and the only planner company out there that has tons of options to customize and personalize your planner! I love the covers peace design and how you can choose your Start Date and there's an option to add additional month(s) at the beginning or end of the Planner! There are 4 planner layouts including- monthly, weekly, daily, and the "all in one" which combines all three. The All-In-One Planner has individual Daily pages as well as two-page Weekly and two-page Monthly calendar spreads. It also has daily and weekly productivity tools, goal setting, life adjustments and planning ahead with dedicated sections for reminders and appointments.
🧡 This planner also has lots of areas for me to keep track of my contacts, passwords, resolutions, goals and Inspirations. Also love how It has sticker-friendly grid spaces and an Inspirational Quote each month. The spiral coil even has an innovative flex coil that has lots of cool features too.
🧡 BellaGracePlanners are completely customizable and there are 30 different pages that can be added to make each planner unique. You can even send in photos of your Vision Boards to have added into the Planner. To learn more about these beautiful Planners and Journals plus have them shipped internationally visit