🥦 🥩 Do you worry about germs and pesticides on your fruits, vegetables, meats and seafood? I do and I found something way better than just washing them off with water. I've been using this Food Purification Box from @myvesglobal vesglobal everyday for the best few weeks to clean my foods while I'm preparing them for cooking and eating. I also use this purification box for my tableware, kids toys and more. It amazingly gets rid of lots of different bacteria including the dangerous ones like E.Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus and more!! (up to 99.99% germicidal rate tested in the laboratory*). It works by using OH Radical which is a natural atmospheric cleansing agent. Nobel Prize winning scientist Paul Crutzen named it “Detergent of the atmosphere”.
The #foodpurification box is also super easy to use, completely waterproof and designed to use in water. I simply put the device in a container of water along with whatever I would like purified and wait for it to do its magic and complete the process. It has 2 purification modes to choose from either Rapid Purification which takes 10 minutes or Deep Purification takes 15 minutes. I typically like to stir the water during the purification for better results. It holds a long charge and I can use it for up to 8 times after it's completely charged. I can even use it outdoors during picnics, outings and camping as long as it's charged. To learn more about this innovative way to purify your foods, tableware, kids toys, baby products and lots more visit their site and use my coupon code: Shannan to get $20.00 off on Myves P1